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Feller bunchers 2018 7 200 h САЩ, Statesville, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2013 9 100 h САЩ, Georgia, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2019 8 670 h САЩ, Lexington, South Carolina
Feller bunchers 2011 9 553 h САЩ, TRENTON, Missouri
Feller bunchers 2019 САЩ, Ruckersville, Virginia
Feller bunchers 2014 8 752 h САЩ, Lexington, South Carolina
Feller bunchers 2017 САЩ, Ruckersville, Virginia
Feller bunchers 2018 6 789 h САЩ, Mid Atlantic, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2011 7 800 h САЩ, south, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2005 САЩ, South East, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2017 8 832 h САЩ, South, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2013 САЩ, South, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2008 САЩ, Southeast, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2010 САЩ, Southeast, North Carolina
Feller bunchers 2018 5 049 h САЩ, Camden, South Carolina